In the Sims How Can You Get More Life Style Points Easy
Lifestyles is a game mechanic added in The Sims 4: Snowy Escape that gives your Sim certain moodlets and influences their behavior based upon their experiences. There are 16 Lifestyles in the Expansion Pack.
This guide teaches you all about Lifestyles in TS4, including what they do, how to get them, how to sustain a Lifestyle, and Lifestyle Points.
Click on any of the links below to automatically scroll to that section of this guide:
- What is a Lifestyle?
- Lifestyle Points
- All Lifestyles and Effects
- Adrenaline Seeker
- Close Knit
- Coffee Fanatic
- Energetic
- Frequent Traveler
- Health Food Nut
- Hungry For Love
- Junk Food Fiend
- Indoorsy
- Outdoorsy
- People Person
- Sedentary
- Single and Loving It
- Techie
- Technophobe
- Workaholic
- How to Get Rid of a Lifestyle
What is a Lifestyle?
A Lifestyle will appear depending on your Sim's experiences. So for example, if they love eating vegetables, they will earn the Health Food Nut Lifestyle, or the Junk Food Fiend one if they eat a lot of unhealthy meals.
Like Traits, performing related actions will give Sims positive moodlets and negative moodlets if they do something that conflicts with the Lifestyle. They have other bonuses too such as increased work performance and new actions and conversation options. A Sim can have up to three Lifestyles at one time.
If your Sim doesn't keep up with their Lifestyle, they will eventually lose it and will have to work up to it again to get it back. More on this below.
Lifestyle Points
Each Lifestyle is based on points that your Sim earns daily by performing actions and tasks related to it: for example, drinking coffee religiously for Coffee Fanatic or avoiding technology for Technophobe. Once your Sim has enough points, they'll earn that Lifestyle.
Your Sim can get a maximum of 20 Lifestyle Points per day and it takes 100 points to get a Lifestyle, so it'll take around five in-game days for one.
All Lifestyles and Effects
Adrenaline Seeker
Sims with this Lifestyle love adventure and danger and the adrenaline that comes with it. To get it, make your Sim participate in thrilling activities like Snowboarding and Skiing, let them WooHoo outside, play VR games, and explore dangerous areas. They can also get adrenaline from arguing with others, but it could leave them with a negative moodlet so the choice is yours.
The effects of the Adrenaline Seeker Lifestyle are:
- Actively avoids boring conversation
- Gets excited by fires rather than panicking
- Increased work performance in dangerous Careers like Criminal and Secret Agent
- Obtain the "Talk about New Adventure" and "Enthuse about Thrill-Seeking" conversation options
- Can "Fight for the Rush!" after having gone too long without excitement
- Bored when performing mundane interactions and socials
- Get Tense when going too long without excitement
Close Knit
Sims with this Lifestyle prefer to have a small group of friends that they're very close to as opposed to having lots of relationships. To get it, your Sim needs to be friends with between one and three people, socializing with them only to build Friendship Level up. If your Sim has more than three friends, they won't be able to obtain the Close Knit Lifestyle.
The effects of the Close Knit Lifestyle are:
- Maintains Good Friends longer but harder to stay friends with Sims at a lower Friendship Level
- More likely to gain Long Term Sentiments with friends
- Can "Ask to Be Confidant" to get unique social options
- Gets Tense when not around friends or when in a friendship group of four or more
Coffee Fanatic
Sims with this Lifestyle are utterly obsessed with coffee—they live and breathe it. To get it, your Sim must drink coffee multiple times a day. We're talking breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, tea, and dinner. The easiest way to get coffee is to buy a coffee machine and get your Sim to make it themselves.
The effects of the Coffee Fanatic Lifestyle are:
- Make and drink more coffee than other Sims
- Always make Outstanding Quality brewed coffee
- Increase all Skills quicker after drinking coffee
- Obtain the "Talk about Benefits of Coffee" or "Lament the Detriments of Coffee" conversation options
- Can "Work Caffeinated Shift" when going to work
- Increased work performance after drinking coffee
- Get Uncomfortable when going too long without coffee
Sims with this Lifestyle love exercise and staying active. To get it, your Sim needs to participate in activities like playing soccer and working out. Having a high-energy Career such as Athlete and Astronaut also helps.
The effects of the Energetic Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when performing high-energy activities
- Increased performance in high-energy Careers
- Decreased performance in low-energy Careers
- Negative moodlets when performing low-energy activities
- Get Tense when going too long without activity
Frequent Traveler
Sims with this Lifestyle love going to new places and exploring. To get it, your Sim must travel to different locations and Worlds a lot, take Vacations, and participate in fun experiences while traveling.
The effects of the Frequent Traveler Lifestyle are:
- All Skills increase quicker when on Vacation
- Increased work performance after returning home from vacation
- Obtain the "Ask About Home Region" conversation option
- Obtain the "Share Travel Stories" conversation option
- Get Bored when going too long without traveling
Health Food Nut
Sims with this Lifestyle live and breathe healthy foods and gain negative moodlets from junk food. To get it, your Sim must eat clean and avoid takeouts, making Quick Meals, and desserts. Eating harvestables they've grown themselves is also a great way to obtain Lifestyle Points.
The effects of the Health Food Nut Lifestyle are:
- Prefer to cook and eat healthy food
- Obtain the "Cook Healthy Meal" option to cook healthy recipes
- After eating something from "Cook Healthy Meal" option, increased Weight Loss and Fitness gain
- Obtain the "Evangelize Benefits of Healthy Food" conversation option
- Gain negative moodlets when eating junk food and when going too long without eating something healthy
Hungry For Love
Sims with this Lifestyle thrive when in a relationship and when they feel loved romantically. To get it, your Sim needs to be in a romantic relationship and/or use romance options on other Sims a lot.
The effects of the Hungry for Love Lifestyle are:
- Increases odds of success when being romantic
- Positive moodlets from romance
- Obtains romantic Sentiments easier
- Likes romantic music, books, and TV shows
- Increased work performance when in a romantic relationship
- Get Tense when not in a romantic relationship
Junk Food Fiend
Sims with this Lifestyle are obsessed with junk food and hate eating healthily. To get it, your Sim must eat takeouts like pizza regularly, make a lot of Quick Meals, and eat a lot of desserts. Avoid eating healthily otherwise they'll get negative moodlets.
The effects of the Junk Food Fiend Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when eating junk food
- Obtain the "Add Bacon" and "Add Sugar" options when cooking, turning meal into junk food
- Obtain the "Evangelize Benefits of Junk Food" conversation option
- Negative moodlets when eating healthily
- Get Tense when going too long without eating junk food
Sims with this Lifestyle prefer to stay indoors rather than going outside and would take watching TV over going for a walk. To get this, your Sim needs to stay in their house for the majority of the day, opting to participate in indoor activities like playing video games, watching television, or reading books instead.
The effects of the Indoorsy Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when indoors
- Increased performance in indoor Careers
- Decreased performance in outdoor Careers
- Get Tense when outside for too long
Sims with this Lifestyle prefer to be outside rather than staying inside and love going for walks and participating in outdoor activities. To get this, your Sim must be outside most of the time, only returning home to fill their needs. Having an outdoor Career like Gardener and Conservationist also nets them with Lifestyle Points.
The effects of the Outdoorsy Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when outside
- Increased performance in outdoor Careers
- Decreased performance in indoor Careers
- Get Tense when indoors for too long
People Person
Sims with this Lifestyle prefer to have a large circle of friends rather than a close-knit friendship group. To get this, your Sim needs to have built up multiple friendships with many other Sims: the more the better. If they have less than four friends, they will get negative moodlets.
The effects of the People Person Lifestyle are:
- Easier to keeps lower level friendships
- Harder to maintain Good Friends
- Positive moodlets when making a new friend
- Positive moodlets when speaking with three friends or more at once
- Unlikely to gain Long Term Sentiments with friends
- Social need decays faster
- Get Tense when in a group of less than four Sims
Sims with this Lifestyle hate being active, opting to stay on the couch watching TV than taking a walk. To get this, your Sim must remain as inactive as possible, participating in activities that don't require moving around a lot like painting or playing video games. Being in a low-energy Career like Writer or Business helps also.
The effects of the Sedentary Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when participating in low-energy activities
- Increased performance in low-energy Careers
- Decreased performance in high-energy Careers
- Negative moodlets when participating in high-energy activities
- Get Tense when going too long without doing a low-energy activity
Single and Loving It
Sims with this Lifestyle hate the idea of being in a relationship and prefer the single life. To get this, your Sim needs to avoid romantic relationships at all costs and focus on building friendships instead. If they do engage in a romantic relationship, they'll gain negative moodlets.
The effects of the Single and Loving It Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when single
- All Skills increase faster when single
- Unlikely to gain romantic Sentiments
- Dislikes romantic books, TV shows, and movies
- Increased work performance when single
- Gets Tense when in a romantic relationship
Sims with this Lifestyle love technology and don't go five minutes without it. To get the Techie Lifestyle, your Sim must use electronics regularly, whether that's using the coffee machine in the morning, watching television, or playing VR games. Having a technology-based Career also helps get Lifestyle Points.
The effects of the Techie Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when using electronics
- Programming and Rocket Science Skills increase faster
- Can apply the Overclocked Upgrade to computers
- Get the "Enthuse About Processing Power" conversation option
- Higher odds of success when repairing and upgrading electronics
- Increased performance in tech-related Careers
- Get Tense when on a lot without Power
- Get Tense when going too long without using technology
Sims with this Lifestyle hate technology with a passion. To get the Technophobe Lifestyle, your Sim needs to stay away from electronics and technology completely. They can even break and sabotage electronics for Lifestyle Points.
The effects of the Technophobe Lifestyle are:
- Positive moodlets when on a lot without power and when surrounding electronics are broken
- Can sabotage electronics
- Decreased performance in tech-related Careers
- Get Tense when using technology
Sims with this Lifestyle love to work and focus on their Career. They never take breaks or have time off. To get the Workaholic Lifestyle, your Sim needs to Work Hard when at work, never use vacation days, get promoted often, and complete their Daily Tasks.
The effects of the Workaholic Lifestyle are:
- Decreased need decay while working
- Increased work performance
- Harder to keep long-term relationships
- Obtain the "Go to Work on Off Hours" and "Demand Promotion From Boss" options
- Get Tense when not at work or unemployed
How to Get Rid of a Lifestyle
If your Sim obtains a Lifestyle that you don't want them to have, you can forceably remove it either by using a cheat code, potion, or stop your Sim from performing actions related to the Lifestyle until it goes away. Check out our Snowy Escape Cheat Codes guide for how to get rid of it with a cheat.
To get rid of a Lifestyle without cheating, your Sim needs to stop all activity that led to that Lifestyle in the first place. For example, for the Junk Food Fiend one, stop them eating junk food and make them eat healthily. Eventually, it will drop off.
You can also buy the Lifestyle-Go-Poof Potion with Satisfaction Points from the Rewards Store.
Now that you know all about Lifestyles in The Sims 4: Snowy Escape, check out our Kits page to learn all about Kits and our Scenarios guide to find out everything you need to know about Scenarios.
Up Next: Hiking
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