How to Make Blurred Anime Line Art in Photoshop

Anime Compositing Post Process
So you just finish an artwork and are happy with the consequence and so far. Only y'all still feel that there are areas that you could better, and yous are just unsure of what to do next. Generally, there are few options that you could use to your artwork at this stage. There are no incorrect or right if you decide to do or skip these steps.

The very first thing you could consider is applying blur filter to some part of your artwork. Well-nigh peoples would practice this stride during post-production, using compositing software such as Afterwards Effects. But if y'all have no programme to animate the scene, then yous could do this using any graphic software of your option.

Blur Filter to show depth

Blur filter could use to enhance the sense of depth on your artwork. To blur the background, we could use whatsoever of the blur filter such as Gaussian Blur / Box Blur / Photographic camera Lens Mistiness.

Background Blur

In the artwork higher up which is a half body potrait shot. Blur filter is apply on the groundwork to give a shallow focus on the daughter.

Bokeh Blur
Keep in mind that, Camera Lens Blur are more resources hungry, only it will give amend outcome such as generating bokeh consequence.

Layer Background Blur
If you lot have divide your background fine art in dissimilar layers, you tin can apply different intensitity or level of blur co-ordinate to the distance.

Atttention! Remember to backup your background layers before applying mistiness filter!

Before applying mistiness filter, remember to duplicate the layers that will exist blur. This is done, and so nosotros accept a backup for the original layers. If you are using Later on Effects, and so this step is non needed, as the filters in After Furnishings are non destructive. Technically speaking, yous could as well covert the background layers in Photoshop to smart objects, as smart filters are non subversive equally well.

Blur filter to show depth
Lets look at some other case. In the illustration above, our camera is focus on the girl. So we will apply blur filter on both foreground and background elements, which are the grass strands in front and sky at the back. A stronger mistiness filter can exist utilize on the grass strands in forepart equally they are very close to the camera and out of focus.

Blur Filter to narrow viewer focus

Blur filter can also be use to guide and narrow the viewer focus to certain elements on the screen. In the example below, I want the user have stronger focus on the photo frame in the middle. A ellipse mask is used, so only the edge of the artwork are blur.

narrow focus narrow focus
In the example above, I desire the user to focus on the water faucet. To achieve this, I am using Photographic camera Lens Blur in After Furnishings with a gradient colour blur map to reach the shine blur transition.

Mistiness Filter to evidence motility

Aside of using mistiness to show depth, we could apply Movement Blur / Directional Blur filter to prove motion of fast moving objects. In this case, the flying dove are apply with blur filter.

Blur filter to show motion

Mistiness Filter to create special result

Blur filters are great for creating special effect as well. In the instance below, a wet glass event is accomplish using a strong mistiness filter on the background. Some parts are masked and left without mistiness effect to simulate raindrop falling on window glass.

Blur filter to show special effect

A vertical directional blur filter could exist utilize for water reflection. Water reflection without blur filter look more like still water or mirror while the version with mistiness filter give the sense of moving water surface.

Background Blur

Blur filter to add together fog glow and flower result

Fog glow and bloom are great mode to add atmospheric effect to your artwork. This tin can be utilise for a strong sunset glow or a hot summer scene. This effect is achive using blur filter (again).

  1. Duplicate and merge all your layers into a single layer.
  2. Utilize Gaussian Mistiness on the merged duplicate layer.
  3. Change the blending manner of merged duplicate layer to Screen or Lighter Colour way.
  4. Adjust layer opacity to command the glow intensity.

Fog Glow Bloom
In the example higher up, we are using gaussian mistiness and Screen mode blending to achieve a strong glowing sunset (or mayhap a dreamy sequence).

Lighther Colour mode
Lighter Color fashion are corking to assemble our artwork into a single piece without introducing crazy glow outcome similar in screen style. This footstep not just blend the grapheme better to the background, but also requite the anime experience!

There are obviously more than stuff that you tin can add to your artworks aside of using blur filter. Such every bit adding chromatic aberration and noise to simulate film issue, simply I will salve that for another tutorial. For now, have fun with blur filter!


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