The General Rule for Leading if You Would Like to Achieve 'continuous Reading Text' Is
1. You lot are preparing for an interview, but you don't imagine what questions yous should answer. Read and translate.
An interview is an important upshot in the life of every task bidder. Information technology tin can exist the concluding test on the manner to a new position. That's why it's very important to exist well prepared for an interview.
Come up in time to the appointed place for an interview. Don't forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas).
Don't be nervous and tense with the interviewer, exist polite and heed attentively to all the questions you are asked. If yous are confident in what you lot talking nigh it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Exist ready to talk over the details of your future piece of work. Effort to persuade the interviewer that you lot are the all-time candidate for the chosen position and an asset for the company. Don't talk about personal questions if they are not connected with the future work.
Don't hesitate to draw fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Testify that yous are thinking ahead in your career evolution. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to change the work. Tell nigh your educational history and obtained degree. Don't forget to mention your computer skills, language fluency if information technology's required by the company.
At the finish of the interview thank the interviewer for his/her attention. Don't demand the immediate reply nearly his/her decision, appoint the certain date for information technology.
Active Vocabulary
reference – отзыв, рекомендация
present a list of references – предоставить список отзывов
tense – напряженный
polite – вежливый
be confident – быть уверенным
persuade – убеждать
regular duties – обычные обязанности
be an asset for the visitor – быть приобретением для компании
give a good representation – хорошо представить
need – требовать
appoint the date – назначить дату
2. Notice in the text English equivalents for:
кандидат; быть хорошо подготовленным к собеседованию; все необходимые документы; быть напряженным; производить хорошее впечатление; убеждать; обычные обязанности; причина; сведения об образовании; решение.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
an interview; a new position; an appointed place; a reference; a characteristic; a diploma; to exist polite; to exist confident; to be an asset for the company; to hesitate; responsibilities and regular duties; in smb's career development; language fluency.
iv. Fill in the gaps with the words given below using them in the correct grade:
a list of references, to be an nugget, to exist nervous, an interview, to appoint, to be impressed, to exist confident.
1. Did y'all present … to the interviewer?
2. My friend has gotan interview for tomorrow that'southward why he is so … .
three. The interviewer … by my experience in this field.
four. He was … and they didn't hesitate to take him for this position.
v. What date was … for your interview?
half-dozen. The interviewer told me that Mr. White … for any company.
7. Did you lot understand all the questions during …?
v. Make up the sentences with the post-obit words and discussion combinations.
to get an interview, to interview smb, an interviewer;
to be tense, tension;
to exist confident, confidence;
regular duties, duty gratis, to be on duty;
to refer, reference, list of references.
6. What would y'all say if yous took part in these dialogues? Human activity them out.
one. A.: Well, I see yous've already had quite a lot of feel in the food industry. Could you dwell on your regular duties at your recent job?
B.: Yeah, I can tell you lot that …
ii. A.: You mentioned earlier that you liked the people you had worked with. What features do you appreciate in your colleagues?
B.: I think that …
3. A.: Information technology seems to me you had a pleasant place to work. I'thou surprised yous are going to go out.
B.: You lot are quite right, but …
iv. A.: Y'all mentioned that you lot had attended special linguistic communication courses. How practise you recollect it will aid you in the future piece of work?
B.: I suppose that …
seven. Act every bit an interviewer at a famous Computer visitor. The company seeks a candidate for the position of an: a) accountant, b) coordinator, c) interpreter,
d) analyst, eastward) lawyer, f) attorney, g) engineer, h) amanuensis, i) receptionist.
Look through the requirements of different companies. Prepare the questions y'all should ask every candidate. Start the interview with the candidates.
Accountant– Will exist responsible for the monitoring of all necessary accounting procedures, interim as a liaison to the tax regime. Volition too act as a support person for the Chief Accountant in all solar day-to-mean solar day activities. The suitable candidate must possess: a degree in Finance or Economics; – a minimum of 2 yr experience working with Western companies; excellent noesis of Russian fiscal legislation; fluent English is required, the bacon is negotiable.
Warehouse Coordinator – Will assist Logistics Managing director in warehousing chain, command inventories, ready warehouse squad of clerks, plan distribution resources. The candidate should have higher education, 1 yr feel, full general knowledge of Logistics – ability to control warehouse situation – excellent managerial skills – be a computer user (Excel, Word) with stiff presentation skills, fluency in English language, ability to travel.
Interpreter/translator– The candidate will translate orally/ in written from English language/Castilian into Russian and vice versa, realize simultaneous translations during negotiations (computer market), fulfil everyday office piece of work. The possible candidate should possess University degree, excellent English language/Spanish, computer skills (Excel, Discussion).
Capital Market Annotator– Volition collect information on securities, equities, etc. from different information sources, develop market ideas and notice advisable ways of implementing them in the Russian market. Will participate in business trips, client meetings, projection negotiations, adapt Western ideas for sales in the Russian market. The advisable individual should possess: admittedly fluent English – excellent presentational, organizational, and analytical skills – a banking, finance, or consulting background – western education (Master of Business Administration is a plus) – willingness to travel (both locally and abroad) – a teamplayer'southward spirit and strong experience (Big Half dozen or western investment banking).
Lawyer– Will realize clan work and representation of company in professional circles. Business concern and commercial police force including involvement in regulatory requirements (control advertising and labeling, unfair contest, environmental problems). Industrial property (trademarks, patents, blueprint patents, copyrights). Contacts with other European and United states of america lawyers. A specialist in Corporate Law, Taxes. Profile: Law degree, proficiency in legislative areas – five + yr similar experience in a multinational consumer products company – fluent English language.

Attorney– Will consult the house'south clients on various aspects of Russian operations, including commercial transactions, securities and share acquisitions, strategic planning, taxation law, existent estate transactions, and labour law. Successful candidate will be the responsible attorney for our function nether the supervision of strange managing partners. Ability to work independently is essential. Excellent communication skills required, fluent English language.
Mechanical Engineer– Chief responsibilities: service and repair of equipment for printed plates manufacturing – processing of technical documentation – ordering of spare parts. Personal profile: college technical education in Mechanics – 3 year relevant working experience – knowledge of equipment with programme control for automatic assembling of printed plates – basic English language.
Regional Sales Agent– Chief responsibilities: sales operations inside a particular region – ensuring achievement of regional objectives – investigate customers' needs and competitive action – programme and actuate regional sales programme. Profile: Degree in Economics, fluent English, possibility to travel upwards to lx%.
Receptionist– Whose responsibilities will be as follows: answering phone calls, guests' accommodation, greeting clients, making all the office work (typing, sending/receiving faxes, etc.) The right candidate should have: fluent English, PC literacy (Word, Excel), typing skills, higher didactics, pleasant, helpful, friendly personality.
eight. Before realizing the task read the words and give-and-take combinations to the advertisements.
possess – владеть
monitor accounting procedures – контролировать, проверять счетные операции
liaison – связь, взаимодействие
tax authorities – налоговые органы
handle – руководить, владеть, контролировать, справляться
salary – заработная плата
negotiable – то, что может обсуждаться
warehouse – склад
translator, interpreter – переводчик
orally – устно
in written – письменно
vice versa – наоборот
simultaneous – одновременный
receptionist, secretary – секретарь
lawyer – адвокат, юрист
securities – ценные бумаги
equity – обычная акция, акция без фиксированного дивиденда
willingness – желание, готовность
advertizing – реклама (действие)
advertisement – реклама (объявление)
characterization – прикреплять этикетку, ярлык
trademark – торговая марка
copyright – авторское право
Corporate Constabulary – корпоративное законодательство
commercial transaction – коммерческое соглашение
labour law – трудовое законодательство
attorney – адвокат, юрист
social club spare parts – заказывать запчасти
assemble – монтировать, собирать
investigate customers' needs – изучать (определять) потребности покупателей
9. Today you have an interview at a well-known famous computer company. Act as a candidate to the following positions: a) accountant, b) coordinator,
c) interpreter, d) annotator, e) lawyer, f) attorney, thou) engineer, h) amanuensis,
i) receptionist. After looking through the words and word combinations start the interview with a representative of the company.
10. Topics for further word.
1. You are seeking a job for the commencement time. Is information technology necessary to set up for an interview? Why do you think so? How will you do it?
2. Is it easy for you to present yourself fully in a curt interview with an unknown person? If information technology is difficult, explicate how you volition overcome it. What or who will help you in this state of affairs?
3. How do you imagine your future interview? What are the primary rules of your behaviour?
4. How should you lot behave at the interview to achieve your goal? Demonstrate information technology: a) equally an interviewer, b) as an bidder.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. Piddling strokes vicious great oaks.
two. No sweet without some sweat.
3. Experience is the female parent of wisdom.
Unit 3. Awarding
i. Y'all want to participate in the work of an international conference or to go along your studies abroad. For this y'all should make full in a special application form. Read and translate.
Whatsoever awarding form is a special grade developed by Congress, Conference, Academy, Constitute and College to provide more specific data about applicants and to formalize all data well-nigh them for improve data processing.
The application form commonly includes the following sections: full general information about the establishment, benefits, responsibilities, applicants' criteria, closing data for applications.
The application form usually contains:
Personal details(data): Family name/Legal name (last, start, middle)
Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Dr.)
Sex (male person, female person)
Permanent home accost, phone/fax number or Nowadays address
Place and appointment of birth
Marital status (unmarried, married, divorced, widowed)
Military status
Academic groundworkusually includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary instruction, stating the institutions attended, the chief subjects of written report and when the master courses started and finished. The applicants usually adhere photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are issued in another language.
Professional backgroundlist all positions held since completing secondary education.
Residency issues(citizenship, permanent residence status, previous country of residence).
Proposed class of study: What qualifications would yous like to obtain, in what subjects?
At which institution would yous like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?
Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees(both of whom should be professional person or academic) in support of the awarding; sometimes it's necessary to attach the Personal Essays. The Personal Essay provides individualized information almost the applicant, his/her ambitions and interests.
At the end you can find bidder'southward obligations while studying. All the awarding forms should be filled in conspicuously or typed.
Active Vocabulary
fill in the form – заполнить форму
awarding form – форма для принятия участия в чем-либо, заявление, бланк
formalize information – формализовать информацию
data processing – обработка данных
benefits – преимущества, привилегии
responsibility – ответственность
criteria – критерии
endmost date of applications – окончательная дата (срок) присылки документов
male – (пол) мужской
female – (пол) женский
permanent dwelling house address – постоянный домашний адрес
single – неженатый, не замужем
married – женатый, замужем
divorced – разведенный
widowed – вдовый
title – титул
military machine status – воинское звание
bookish background – образование
complete secondary education – получить среднее образование
attach photocopy – приложить фотокопию
academic certificate – диплом
hold a position – занимать должность
residency – страна проживания
citizenship – гражданство
residence condition – местожительство
obtain qualification – получить квалификацию
apply for a scholarship – подавать документы (претендовать) на получение стипендии
referee – арбитр; рекомендодатель
personal essay – автобиография, эссе
ambition – амбиция, цель
obligation – обязательство
ii. Find in the text English equivalents for:
заполнить заявление; обеспечить специфическую информацию;
окончательная дата подачи документов; персональные сведения; образование; сопровождать переводом; профессиональная квалификация; постоянное место жительства; получать; проводить исследования; обязательство.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
an applicant; data; full general information; benefits; responsibilities; marital status; armed services status; an academic qualification; to attend; to be issued in another language; to agree a position; residency; a personal essay.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. What is the endmost date for my application?
ii. Exercise you have any academic qualification?
3. Accept you filled in the application form you got yesterday?
4. I'd like to continue my studies and behave my research work at Cambridge University.
5. I attached the photocopy of my academic document to my awarding course.
6. I read all the full general information about the University, its benefits and my responsibilities.
7. What should I write in the section «Military status»?
8. Don't forget to mention your permanent home address and telephone number.
5. Make upwardly the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
to provide (information), to provide with books;
to adhere (photocopy, Personal Essay, documents);
to fill up a glass with h2o;
to be responsible, responsibilities;
to obtain (qualification, experience);
residency, residence, to be resident of.
6. Answer the questions.
one. What is an awarding form?
2. What sections does the awarding form ordinarily contain?
iii. What does the section «Academic background» include?
four. What do the applicants unremarkably attach?
5. What does the department «Professional background» include?
6. What is the department «Proposed course of written report» about?
7. Is information technology important to write a good Personal Essay?
8. What can you observe at the stop of the awarding grade?
9. How tin an awarding form influence your admission to the establishment?
seven. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
i. A.: I accept got the application form from Oxford University recently. But I have some questions about its structure. Tin you explain me what I should write in the section Academic groundwork?
B.: …
2. A.: Is information technology enough to mention only my contempo position and the company where I piece of work at present?
B.: I don't think then, considering …
three. A.: I see that you haven't filled in the department Professional background. Have you got whatsoever difficulties with it?
B.: You are right. Can you assist me with …
4. A.: I started to write my Personal Essay yesterday. If you don't heed I'd like yous to read it and give me your remarks.
B.: I'll do it with pleasure. I suppose that …
8. Ms. Kenwood filled her awarding form in. But she has forgotten to fill up in some sections. Do it instead of her.
nine. Using the awarding course from the previous task fill the application form in every bit if you were the applicant.
British Chevening Scholarships APPLICATION FORM Part A. Personal Details Family name: ……………………………………………………………………… (as on passport) Other names: ……………………………………………………………………… Title: …………. Mr ………... Mrs ………….. Miss ………….. Ms…………Dr Sex: ……………………………… Male …………………………………. Female person Place of nascence: ……………………… Date of nativity: …………………………….. Nationality: ………………………………………………………………............. Status: ……. Single ……….. Married ……….. Divorced …………. Widowed Address for correspondence in dwelling state: ………………………….………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number: ………………………………………………………............ Part B. Bookish Background Please list all academic qualifications obtained since completing your secondary instruction, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of report and when the main courses started and finished. Delight signal with an asterisk those courses which were entirely or mainly English medium – i.due east. where the linguistic communication of education or supervision was English: _______________________________________________________________ Qualification Institution Discipline From To (including class or level) …………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………….……………………….……………………………………………………..………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… Delight attach photocopies of all relevant bookish certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are written in another language. Part C. Professional Background Please list all positions held since completing your secondary education: _______________________________________________________________ Position Organization/Establishment From To ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..……………….……….……………………………………………………..……………………….…………….……………………………………………………………………….. Part D. Proposed Grade of Written report in the UK. What qualification would you like to obtain and in what subjects? If there are alternatives to your kickoff choice, please country order of preference. If yous wish to deport research rather than obtain a formal qualification, please state so clearly. 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………… At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? If you have no item preferences and would you lot like the British Quango to identify a suitable institution for you lot, please practice not complete this section 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. …………………………………………………………………………………… three. ………………………………………………………………………………….. Are you applying for a fully funded British Chevening Scholarship? ………… Aye ………… No If non, how do you propose to supplement your scholarship? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Accept y'all already been in contact with the institution for your choice? ………… Aye ………… No Have y'all ever studied in the Britain? ………… Yes ………… No Take yous always visited the IK on holiday or for other purposes? ………… Yes ………… No If and so, please point when and what the purpose of your visit was. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Are you applying for any other scholarships or awards to study in the United kingdom, to be funded either past the British Authorities or by other institutions or foundations? ………… Yes ………… No If then, please give full details. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Delight attach letters from two referees (both of whom should exist professional or academic) in support of your application for a British Chevening Scholarship. Please provide details of the two referees below. If y'all are unable to attach letters from your referees, please ask them to write to united states as soon as possible. First Referee Title and name ……………………………………………………………............ Position ……………………………………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………………………………… How long have you known this referee? …………………………………........... What is his/her professional relationship to you? ………………………………. Second Referee (the aforementioned information) *Finally, delight state in not more than i 000 words in the space provided below a/ why you wish to study in the UK, b/ why yous wish to obtain the qualification listed as your commencement choice in Part D of this form, and c/ how you think you volition do good in terms of career and personal development from obtaining this qualification one time y'all have returned to your home country. Delight also give full details of whatsoever particular areas on which you would like to concentrate while in the Uk as a role of your course of written report or research. …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….………………………..…………………………………………………….……………………… Appointment ………………. Signature …………………
10. The terminal section of Office D* is a section for Personal Essay. The institution provides yous with a plan how to write it. Write your Personal Essay following their instructions concerning the contents and the quantity of words.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
one. In every outset think of the end.
ii. Meliorate one word in fourth dimension than two afterwards.
iii. All is not aureate that glitters.
ane. You are preparing for an interview, just you don't imagine what questions you should reply. Read and translate.
An interview is an of import effect in the life of every job bidder. It can exist the final examination on the way to a new position. That's why it's very of import to be well prepared for an interview.
Come in time to the appointed place for an interview. Don't forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas).
Don't be nervous and tense with the interviewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. If you are confident in what you talking well-nigh it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Endeavour to give full and articulate answers to the questions. Be set to discuss the details of your future work. Endeavor to persuade the interviewer that y'all are the best candidate for the chosen position and an asset for the company. Don't talk about personal questions if they are non continued with the futurity work.
Don't hesitate to describe fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Bear witness that you are thinking ahead in your career development. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to modify the work. Tell about your educational history and obtained caste. Don't forget to mention your computer skills, linguistic communication fluency if it'south required by the company.
At the stop of the interview give thanks the interviewer for his/her attention. Don't need the immediate reply nigh his/her decision, appoint the certain date for it.
Active Vocabulary
reference – отзыв, рекомендация
nowadays a list of references – предоставить список отзывов
tense – напряженный
polite – вежливый
be confident – быть уверенным
persuade – убеждать
regular duties – обычные обязанности
be an asset for the visitor – быть приобретением для компании
requite a expert representation – хорошо представить
demand – требовать
appoint the date – назначить дату
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
кандидат; быть хорошо подготовленным к собеседованию; все необходимые документы; быть напряженным; производить хорошее впечатление; убеждать; обычные обязанности; причина; сведения об образовании; решение.
three. Give Russian equivalents for:
an interview; a new position; an appointed place; a reference; a characteristic; a diploma; to be polite; to be confident; to be an asset for the company; to hesitate; responsibilities and regular duties; in smb's career development; language fluency.
four. Fill in the gaps with the words given beneath using them in the right class:
a list of references, to be an nugget, to exist nervous, an interview, to appoint, to be impressed, to be confident.
one. Did y'all present … to the interviewer?
2. My friend has gotan interview for tomorrow that's why he is then … .
iii. The interviewer … by my experience in this field.
4. He was … and they didn't hesitate to take him for this position.
five. What date was … for your interview?
6. The interviewer told me that Mr. White … for any visitor.
7. Did you lot understand all the questions during …?
5. Make up the sentences with the following words and discussion combinations.
to become an interview, to interview smb, an interviewer;
to be tense, tension;
to be confident, confidence;
regular duties, duty gratis, to exist on duty;
to refer, reference, list of references.
6. What would you say if y'all took role in these dialogues? Human action them out.
1. A.: Well, I encounter y'all've already had quite a lot of experience in the nutrient industry. Could y'all dwell on your regular duties at your recent job?
B.: Yeah, I tin can tell you that …
ii. A.: You mentioned earlier that yous liked the people y'all had worked with. What features practice you capeesh in your colleagues?
B.: I think that …
three. A.: Information technology seems to me yous had a pleasant place to work. I'm surprised yous are going to get out.
B.: You are quite right, just …
4. A.: Y'all mentioned that yous had attended special language courses. How do you lot think it will help y'all in the future work?
B.: I suppose that …
7. Human action every bit an interviewer at a famous Figurer company. The company seeks a candidate for the position of an: a) accountant, b) coordinator, c) interpreter,
d) analyst, e) lawyer, f) attorney, chiliad) engineer, h) agent, i) receptionist.
Await through the requirements of different companies. Prepare the questions you should ask every candidate. Start the interview with the candidates.
Auditor– Volition exist responsible for the monitoring of all necessary accounting procedures, acting as a liaison to the revenue enhancement authorities. Will likewise act as a back up person for the Chief Auditor in all day-to-twenty-four hour period activities. The suitable candidate must possess: a degree in Finance or Economics; – a minimum of 2 year experience working with Western companies; excellent knowledge of Russian fiscal legislation; fluent English is required, the salary is negotiable.
Warehouse Coordinator – Will assist Logistics Director in warehousing chain, control inventories, gear up warehouse team of clerks, plan distribution resources. The candidate should have higher education, 1 year experience, general noesis of Logistics – ability to control warehouse state of affairs – excellent managerial skills – be a computer user (Excel, Word) with strong presentation skills, fluency in English, power to travel.
Interpreter/translator– The candidate volition translate orally/ in written from English/Spanish into Russian and vice versa, realize simultaneous translations during negotiations (computer market), fulfil everyday role work. The possible candidate should possess University degree, excellent English/Spanish, computer skills (Excel, Word).
Upper-case letter Market Analyst– Will collect information on securities, equities, etc. from dissimilar information sources, develop market place ideas and find appropriate means of implementing them in the Russian market place. Will participate in business trips, client meetings, projection negotiations, adapt Western ideas for sales in the Russian market. The appropriate individual should possess: absolutely fluent English – excellent presentational, organizational, and analytical skills – a banking, finance, or consulting background – western educational activity (Master of Business Assistants is a plus) – willingness to travel (both locally and abroad) – a teamplayer'southward spirit and strong experience (Big Six or western investment banking).
Lawyer– Volition realize association work and representation of company in professional circles. Business and commercial police force including involvement in regulatory requirements (control advertising and labeling, unfair competition, ecology issues). Industrial property (trademarks, patents, design patents, copyrights). Contacts with other European and US lawyers. A specialist in Corporate Police force, Taxes. Contour: Law degree, proficiency in legislative areas – five + year similar experience in a multinational consumer products company – fluent English.
Chaser– Will consult the house'south clients on various aspects of Russian operations, including commercial transactions, securities and share acquisitions, strategic planning, tax law, real estate transactions, and labour police. Successful candidate will be the responsible attorney for our part under the supervision of foreign managing partners. Ability to work independently is essential. Excellent advice skills required, fluent English.
Mechanical Engineer– Master responsibilities: service and repair of equipment for printed plates manufacturing – processing of technical documentation – ordering of spare parts. Personal contour: college technical didactics in Mechanics – three twelvemonth relevant working experience – knowledge of equipment with program command for automatic assembling of printed plates – bones English.
Regional Sales Amanuensis– Chief responsibilities: sales operations within a particular region – ensuring achievement of regional objectives – investigate customers' needs and competitive activity – plan and activate regional sales plan. Profile: Degree in Economics, fluent English, possibility to travel up to 60%.
Receptionist– Whose responsibilities volition be equally follows: answering phone calls, guests' accommodation, greeting clients, making all the role work (typing, sending/receiving faxes, etc.) The correct candidate should have: fluent English language, PC literacy (Word, Excel), typing skills, higher education, pleasant, helpful, friendly personality.
8. Earlier realizing the job read the words and discussion combinations to the advertisements.
possess – владеть
monitor accounting procedures – контролировать, проверять счетные операции
liaison – связь, взаимодействие
tax authorities – налоговые органы
handle – руководить, владеть, контролировать, справляться
bacon – заработная плата
negotiable – то, что может обсуждаться
warehouse – склад
translator, interpreter – переводчик
orally – устно
in written – письменно
vice versa – наоборот
simultaneous – одновременный
receptionist, secretary – секретарь
lawyer – адвокат, юрист
securities – ценные бумаги
equity – обычная акция, акция без фиксированного дивиденда
willingness – желание, готовность
advertising – реклама (действие)
advertisement – реклама (объявление)
label – прикреплять этикетку, ярлык
trademark – торговая марка
copyright – авторское право
Corporate Law – корпоративное законодательство
commercial transaction – коммерческое соглашение
labour constabulary – трудовое законодательство
attorney – адвокат, юрист
order spare parts – заказывать запчасти
gather – монтировать, собирать
investigate customers' needs – изучать (определять) потребности покупателей
nine. Today yous have an interview at a well-known famous figurer company. Act every bit a candidate to the following positions: a) auditor, b) coordinator,
c) interpreter, d) analyst, e) lawyer, f) attorney, g) engineer, h) agent,
i) receptionist. After looking through the words and word combinations start the interview with a representative of the company.
10. Topics for further word.
1. Y'all are seeking a job for the first time. Is information technology necessary to prepare for an interview? Why do you think so? How will you lot do it?
ii. Is it piece of cake for y'all to nowadays yourself fully in a brusk interview with an unknown person? If it is difficult, explicate how y'all will overcome it. What or who will help you in this situation?
3. How do y'all imagine your futurity interview? What are the main rules of your behaviour?
four. How should you bear at the interview to achieve your goal? Demonstrate it: a) as an interviewer, b) as an applicant.
11. Interpret and effort to explicate these proverbs:
1. Little strokes fell peachy oaks.
2. No sweetness without some sweat.
iii. Experience is the female parent of wisdom.
Unit of measurement three. APPLICATION
i. You want to participate in the work of an international conference or to continue your studies away. For this yous should fill in a special application form. Read and translate.
Any awarding course is a special form developed by Congress, Briefing, University, Establish and College to provide more than specific data about applicants and to formalize all information about them for amend data processing.
The application class usually includes the following sections: full general information most the establishment, benefits, responsibilities, applicants' criteria, closing data for applications.
The awarding form ordinarily contains:
Personal details(information): Family name/Legal name (last, get-go, heart)
Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Dr.)
Sex (male person, female)
Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Present accost
Place and engagement of nascence
Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)
Military machine condition
Academic backgroundordinarily includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. The applicants usually attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English language, if they are issued in another linguistic communication.
Professional backgroundlisting all positions held since completing secondary education.
Residency issues(citizenship, permanent residence condition, previous country of residence).
Proposed course of study: What qualifications would yous like to obtain, in what subjects?
At which institution would you like to written report or conduct inquiry? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?
Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees(both of whom should exist professional or bookish) in support of the application; sometimes it'due south necessary to adhere the Personal Essays. The Personal Essay provides individualized information nigh the applicant, his/her ambitions and interests.
At the terminate you lot can observe applicant's obligations while studying. All the application forms should exist filled in clearly or typed.
Active Vocabulary
fill in the form – заполнить форму
application grade – форма для принятия участия в чем-либо, заявление, бланк
formalize information – формализовать информацию
information processing – обработка данных
benefits – преимущества, привилегии
responsibility – ответственность
criteria – критерии
endmost date of applications – окончательная дата (срок) присылки документов
male – (пол) мужской
female – (пол) женский
permanent dwelling house accost – постоянный домашний адрес
single – неженатый, не замужем
married – женатый, замужем
divorced – разведенный
widowed – вдовый
title – титул
military status – воинское звание
academic background – образование
consummate secondary pedagogy – получить среднее образование
attach photocopy – приложить фотокопию
academic certificate – диплом
hold a position – занимать должность
residency – страна проживания
citizenship – гражданство
residence condition – местожительство
obtain qualification – получить квалификацию
apply for a scholarship – подавать документы (претендовать) на получение стипендии
referee – арбитр; рекомендодатель
personal essay – автобиография, эссе
ambition – амбиция, цель
obligation – обязательство
2. Find in the text English language equivalents for:
заполнить заявление; обеспечить специфическую информацию;
окончательная дата подачи документов; персональные сведения; образование; сопровождать переводом; профессиональная квалификация; постоянное место жительства; получать; проводить исследования; обязательство.
three. Give Russian equivalents for:
an applicant; information; general data; benefits; responsibilities; marital status; military condition; an academic qualification; to attend; to exist issued in another language; to hold a position; residency; a personal essay.
iv. Interpret the sentences into Russian.
1. What is the closing date for my application?
2. Do y'all have whatever academic qualification?
iii. Accept you filled in the application class yous got yesterday?
4. I'd like to continue my studies and conduct my research work at Cambridge Academy.
5. I attached the photocopy of my academic certificate to my application class.
vi. I read all the full general information about the University, its benefits and my responsibilities.
seven. What should I write in the department «Military status»?
eight. Don't forget to mention your permanent abode address and telephone number.
five. Brand up the sentences with the post-obit words and give-and-take combinations.
to provide (information), to provide with books;
to attach (photocopy, Personal Essay, documents);
to fill a drinking glass with water;
to be responsible, responsibilities;
to obtain (qualification, feel);
residency, residence, to be resident of.
six. Answer the questions.
i. What is an application form?
2. What sections does the application grade usually contain?
iii. What does the section «Academic background» include?
4. What practise the applicants commonly attach?
5. What does the section «Professional background» include?
6. What is the department «Proposed course of written report» well-nigh?
7. Is it of import to write a proficient Personal Essay?
8. What can you lot find at the terminate of the application form?
9. How can an application form influence your access to the institution?
vii. What would you say if you took function in these dialogues? Act them out.
one. A.: I have got the application form from Oxford University recently. But I have some questions nearly its structure. Can you lot explain me what I should write in the section Bookish background?
B.: …
2. A.: Is it enough to mention but my contempo position and the company where I work now?
B.: I don't retrieve then, considering …
3. A.: I come across that y'all oasis't filled in the department Professional background. Accept you got whatsoever difficulties with it?
B.: You are right. Can you lot assist me with …
four. A.: I started to write my Personal Essay yesterday. If you don't mind I'd similar y'all to read information technology and give me your remarks.
B.: I'll do it with pleasure. I suppose that …
8. Ms. Kenwood filled her application course in. But she has forgotten to fill in some sections. Practice it instead of her.
9. Using the application form from the previous task fill the application form in equally if you were the bidder.
British Chevening Scholarships Awarding Form Role A. Personal Details Family unit proper name: ……………………………………………………………………… (as on passport) Other names: ……………………………………………………………………… Title: …………. Mr ………... Mrs ………….. Miss ………….. Ms…………Dr Sex activity: ……………………………… Male …………………………………. Female person Place of birth: ……………………… Date of birth: …………………………….. Nationality: ………………………………………………………………............. Condition: ……. Single ……….. Married ……….. Divorced …………. Widowed Accost for correspondence in home country: ………………………….………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number: ………………………………………………………............ Role B. Bookish Groundwork Delight listing all academic qualifications obtained since completing your secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Please point with an asterisk those courses which were entirely or mainly English language medium – i.e. where the language of didactics or supervision was English language: _______________________________________________________________ Qualification Institution Subject From To (including class or level) …………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………….……………………….……………………………………………………..………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… Please adhere photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are written in another language. Part C. Professional Background Please listing all positions held since completing your secondary educational activity: _______________________________________________________________ Position System/Establishment From To ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..……………….……….……………………………………………………..……………………….…………….……………………………………………………………………….. Function D. Proposed Course of Study in the UK. What qualification would you like to obtain and in what subjects? If in that location are alternatives to your first choice, delight state society of preference. If you wish to behave research rather than obtain a formal qualification, please state and so clearly. 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………… At which institution would you like to study or conduct enquiry? If yous have no item preferences and would y'all like the British Council to identify a suitable institution for y'all, please do not consummate this section 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………….. Are you applying for a fully funded British Chevening Scholarship? ………… Aye ………… No If not, how do you propose to supplement your scholarship? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Have you already been in contact with the establishment for your selection? ………… Yes ………… No Have y'all ever studied in the Britain? ………… Yep ………… No Take yous ever visited the IK on vacation or for other purposes? ………… Aye ………… No If and then, please indicate when and what the purpose of your visit was. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Are you applying for whatsoever other scholarships or awards to study in the United kingdom, to be funded either by the British Government or by other institutions or foundations? ………… Yes ………… No If so, please requite total details. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Please attach letters from two referees (both of whom should be professional or bookish) in support of your application for a British Chevening Scholarship. Please provide details of the 2 referees beneath. If yous are unable to adhere letters from your referees, please inquire them to write to united states as presently as possible. Start Referee Title and proper noun ……………………………………………………………............ Position ……………………………………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………………………………… How long have you lot known this referee? …………………………………........... What is his/her professional human relationship to you lot? ………………………………. Second Referee (the same information) *Finally, please state in not more than than 1 000 words in the infinite provided below a/ why you wish to report in the UK, b/ why y'all wish to obtain the qualification listed as your kickoff choice in Part D of this form, and c/ how you recall yous will benefit in terms of career and personal development from obtaining this qualification one time you have returned to your home country. Please also give full details of whatever particular areas on which you lot would like to concentrate while in the Great britain as a part of your class of written report or research. …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….………………………..…………………………………………………….……………………… Appointment ………………. Signature …………………
10. The last section of Function D* is a section for Personal Essay. The institution provides you with a plan how to write information technology. Write your Personal Essay following their instructions apropos the contents and the quantity of words.
11. Translate and endeavor to explicate these proverbs:
one. In every start recall of the end.
2. Ameliorate one discussion in time than two afterwards.
three. All is non gold that glitters.
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