Java Program That Reads a Series of Positive Numbers and Counts the Number of Inputs

Coffee Plan to Count Positive, Zero and Negative Numbers

This article is created to encompass a programme in Java that counts positive, zero, and negative numbers from a given set of numbers by user at run-fourth dimension.

Count Positive, Negative and Zero in Coffee

To count the number of positive and negative numbers forth with zero from a given set up of numbers entered past user, yous have to first receive some set of numbers say 10 numbers. Then check all the number using for loop one by one, to count the number of positive, zero, and negative number(s) available in the given set of 10 numbers and display the output on the screen every bit shown in the post-obit programme.

            import            java.util.Scanner;            public class            CodesCracker {            public static void            main(String[] args)    {            int            countP=0, countN=0, countZ=0, i;            int[] arr =            new            int[10];            Scanner            scan =            new            Scanner(;            Organisation.out.impress("Enter 10 Numbers: ");            for(i=0; i<ten; i++)          arr[i] = scan.nextInt();            for(i=0; i<ten; i++)       {            if(arr[i]<0)             countN++;            else if(arr[i]>0)             countP++;            else            countZ++;       }            System.out.println("\nTotal Positive Number: "            +countP);            System.out.println("Full Negative Number: "            +countN);            System.out.println("Full Zero: "            +countZ);    } }

When the above Java Program is compiled and executed, information technology will produce the following initial output:

Java Program count positive negative zero

Now supply whatever ten numbers. Here is its sample run with user input 32, 43, 0, -43, -54, -65, 23, 0, 53, 13

java count positive negative numbers

The above programme can also be created every bit:

            import            java.util.Scanner;            public class            CodesCracker {            public static void            primary(Cord[] args)    {            int            num, countP=0, countN=0, countZ=0;            Scanner            scan =            new            Scanner(;            System.out.print("Enter 10 Numbers: ");            for(int            i=0; i<10; i++)       {          num = browse.nextInt();            if(num<0)             countN++;            else if(num>0)             countP++;            else            countZ++;       }            System.out.println("\due northFull Positive Number: "            +countP);            Organization.out.println("Full Negative Number: "            +countN);            System.out.println("Full Zero: "            +countZ);    } }

Count Positive and Negative Numbers in Java using while Loop

This program is like to previous one. But information technology is created using while loop. Too the program allows user to define the size or the corporeality of numbers to enter.

            import            coffee.util.Scanner;            public class            CodesCracker {            public static void            main(String[] args)    {            int            tot, num, i=0, countP=0, countN=0;            Scanner            browse =            new            Scanner(;            System.out.impress("Enter the Size: ");       tot = scan.nextInt();            Organization.out.print("Enter "            +tot+            " Numbers: ");            while(i<tot)       {          num = scan.nextInt();            if(num<0)             countN++;            else if(num>0)             countP++;          i++;       }            Organization.out.println("\northTotal Positive Number: "            +countP);            System.out.println("Total Negative Number: "            +countN);    } }

Count Positive and Negative Numbers using an Array

The question is, write a Java program to count full number of positive and negative numbers available in an array of n numbers. The answer to this question, is the plan given beneath:

            import            coffee.util.Scanner;            public class            CodesCracker {            public static void            principal(Cord[] args)    {            int            countP=0, countN=0;            Scanner            scan =            new            Scanner(;            System.out.impress("Enter the Size: ");            int            tot = scan.nextInt();            int[] nums =            new            int[tot];            System.out.impress("Enter "            +tot+            " Numbers: ");            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)       {          nums[i] = scan.nextInt();            if(nums[i]<0)             countN++;            else if(nums[i]>0)             countP++;       }            System.out.println("\due northFull Positive Number: "            +countP);            System.out.println("Total Negative Number: "            +countN);    } }

Mega Program on Counting Positive, Negative and Nix in Coffee

This is the concluding program of this commodity. I've called this program as the mega plan of this article, because it includes all the options.

            import            java.util.Scanner;            public class            CodesCracker {            public static void            chief(String[] args)    {            int            num, countP=0, countN=0, countZ=0;            Scanner            scan =            new            Scanner(;            Arrangement.out.println("1. Count Positive Number But");            System.out.println("two. Count Negative Number Only");            System.out.println("three. Count Zero Simply");            Arrangement.out.println("iv. Count Positive and Negative Number");            System.out.println("5. Count Positive Number and Zilch");            System.out.println("half dozen. Count Negative Number and Zero");            System.out.println("seven. Count Positive, Zero and Negative Number");            System.out.print("Enter Your Choice (i-7): ");            int            selection = scan.nextInt();            if(option>=1 && choice<=7)       {            Organization.out.print("\nEnter the Size: ");            int            tot = browse.nextInt();            System.out.print("Enter "            +tot+            " Numbers: ");            if(choice==i)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = scan.nextInt();            if(num>0)                   countP++;             }          }            else if(selection==2)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = scan.nextInt();            if(num<0)                   countN++;             }          }            else if(choice==iii)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = browse.nextInt();            if(num==0)                   countZ++;             }          }            else if(choice==4)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = scan.nextInt();            if(num>0)                   countP++;            else if(num<0)                   countN++;             }          }            else if(choice==v)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = scan.nextInt();            if(num>0)                   countP++;            else if(num==0)                   countZ++;             }          }            else if(option==6)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = browse.nextInt();            if(num<0)                   countN++;            else if(num==0)                   countZ++;             }          }            else if(option==7)          {            for(int            i=0; i<tot; i++)             {                num = scan.nextInt();            if(num>0)                   countP++;            else if(num<0)                   countN++;            else            countZ++;             }          }            if(countP!=0)          {            if(countP==1)            System.out.println("\northwardAt that place is only one Positive Number Found.");            else            Arrangement.out.println("\nIn that location are "            +countP+            " Positive Numbers Plant.");          }            if(countN!=0)          {            if(countN==i)            System.out.println("\nAt that place is simply 1 Negative Number Found.");            else            System.out.println("\nThere are "            +countN+            " Negative Numbers Plant.");          }            if(countZ!=0)          {            if(countZ==1)            Organisation.out.println("\nThere is only i Zilch establish.");            else            Organisation.out.println("\nThere are "            +countZ+            " Zero Found.");          }       }            else            System.out.println("\nInvalid Input!");    } }

Here is its sample run with user input half-dozen as choice to count negative number and zero simply, 6 as size to count based on 6 numbers, 1, ii, -iv, -45, 0, 23 as six numbers:

count negative number and zero in java

Same Program in Other Languages

  • C Count Positive Negative Zero
  • C++ Count Positive Negative Zero

Java Online Test

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